Jessica De Vera

Administrative Assistant
Jessica De Vera grew up in South Texas, but has lived in Palm Beach County for the past 15 years. She spent over ten years as a criminal defense attorney serving the indigent population in trial and on appeal, after being drawn there through work with juveniles during law school. Before her legal career, she worked as a technical writer, an arena football cheerleader, a call center supervisor, and an online tutor -- but her favorite title so far is Mom. Her younger daughter joined YSPB as a singer in 2022. 
Mrs. De Vera graduated with honors from Florida State University in 2002, and from the University of Virginia School of Law in 2009. She left her legal career in 2021 and joined the YSPB staff in 2023. She shares her home with her husband, Scott, their two daughters, and too many dogs and a cat. 